4 Strategies to Help Your Children Sleep Through the Night: Insights from the Whole Child Sleep Podcast

by Myra Hartzheim
A pediatric sleep consultant holds a baby that keeps waking in the night

In this week’s episode, we address a question from Jordan, a tired mom seeking advice on helping her two-year-old and four-and-a-half-year-old boys sleep through the night. If you’re a toddler parent experiencing similar challenges, this blog post is for you. We’ll share key takeaways from the podcast and provide practical strategies to promote restful nights for your little ones. Let’s dive in!

Sleep Through The Night 1 1 Home Staging in Bozeman, MT

Strategies to Help Your Children Sleep Through the Night

Evaluate Your Child’s Internal Schedule 📆

Our bodies possess a natural schedule called a chronotype, determining optimal times for wakefulness and rest. Operating outside of this schedule often leads to sleep disruptions. Take a moment to evaluate your children’s daily schedule and ensure it aligns with their body’s needs and preferences. By understanding their internal clock, you can create a consistent routine that promotes restful sleep.

Consider Digestive Health 🍽️

Digestive issues can have a significant impact on sleep quality. Listen to the recommended podcasts, specifically the ultimate readiness checklist for training your child, to identify any potential digestive problems that might affect your child’s sleep. If necessary, consider supplementation with magnesium. However, it’s important to investigate the root causes of deficiencies and ensure optimal nutrient absorption by addressing gut health.

Support Autonomy 🤲

Children thrive when they have a sense of control and autonomy. Just like learning to tie shoes, teaching your children to self-soothe and fall asleep independently is crucial. Encouraging self-regulation skills and providing gentle support in learning how to downregulate for sleep fosters their overall well-being. Through methods like the Sleep Lady Shuffle, you can guide them on the path towards self-soothing and a good night’s sleep.

Address Uncertainty with Clear Boundaries ❗

Uncertainty can contribute to nighttime awakenings and disruptions. It’s essential to establish clear boundaries and routines so that your children know what to expect when they wake up during the night. Create a plan with your partner, if applicable, on how to respond to your kids’ nighttime awakenings consistently and kindly. This clarity reassures them, promotes a sense of security, and helps facilitate uninterrupted sleep for everyone.

Jordan, we hope these strategies and insights from the Whole Child Sleep podcast provide you with valuable tools to help your little ones sleep through the night. Remember, every child is unique, and finding the right sleep pattern requires patience and experimentation. By understanding their internal schedule, addressing digestive health, supporting autonomy, and establishing clear boundaries, you can create an environment that promotes restful sleep for your entire family. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s to many upcoming nights of peaceful and rejuvenating sleep for your children!

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A pediatric sleep consultant holds a baby that keeps waking in the night


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